Übersetzung Englisch Deutsch Translation german english Stuttgart Arthur Jacobson


In essence

The translation process actually consists of three major steps: translation, proofreading and editing. Each step consists in turn of many smaller processes, all culminating in the final result, a competent and understandable rendition of your document in the target language.

In detail

Translation consists of reading a text, understanding it, and communicating its content in another language. It is much more than just exchanging the words of one language with those of another language (that would be a machine translation – try it sometime, it's hilarious). A competent translation will maintain the components of the style of the original while creating a flowing text that is natural-sounding and understandable in the other language.

Proofreading is a quality assurance process and consists of double-checking that the meaning of the original is contained in the translation, that specific terminology was used, and ensuring that the text is free of errors.

Editing consists of ensuring use of correct grammar and finding a better way to express the same thing while keeping with the style of the original, giving your document the final polish.

These three major steps make up the art of translation – and it is an art – that we have mastered for you.

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